I would like to extend a huge thank you to Skin and Satori for nominating me for a Liebster Award. It is a huge complement and I am very flattered. I recently discovered the Skin and Satori blog and it is such a great resource for homemade and natural beauty products.
For those who aren't aware the Liebster Award is given from bloggers to bloggers and is a way to recognize and spread the word about blogs you like. Liebster is a German word and has a number of meanings such as sweetheart or darling. Awarded bloggers answer questions posed by their nominator then select their own nominees and pose questions. So sit back and enjoy learning a little bit more about me and the blogs I'm reading.
So here the questions posed to me:
1. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
When Hubby and I talk about where we are in life we joke that it's because we've made good life decisions. Now I know we've been set up incredibly well by our parents and our work ethics have brought us along the way too, but sometimes it's all about just making the right decision at the right time.
Financially I think one of the best moves we made was early in our marriage we had an opportunity to rent an apartment that was just over his housing allowance. The rent was $1300 per month and his allowance was $1200. It was a nice loft apartment in a good part of town with a neat complex community. Our other option was a town home that was $800 per month and a little more quirky in a less desirable part of town. We went with the town home and ended up being able to use the housing allowance for rent, utilities, and most of our food budget. That meant that we were able to save more of our income. We could have made that $1300 a month work, but the amount we saved meant we were able to buy a house far sooner than I had predicted. We also have fond memories of the counter top that only came halfway up our legs and fishing off the dock at the complex.
2. When you have a writer's block what do you do to work it out?
I don't usually do anything to work it out. My normal work flow is such that I have a ton of draft posts waiting. Some are no more than a title when an idea strikes. Others are more fleshed out with bullet points or actual paragraphs. If I have time to write but little motivation I'll flip through my draft posts to see if I can get any of them further to completion. I like to keep some posts scheduled so I generally don't feel the pressure of a deadline, but sometimes that's helped motivate and inspire me too.
3. What is your favorite place in the entire world?
Somewhere in Hawaii. I'm trying to pinpoint where exactly. There were just so many places that took my breath away. Whether it was seeing the waterfalls along the Ko'olau mountains after a rainstorm driving on the Pali. Or seeing the Mokes off the shore at Lanikai Beach. Maybe it's the view from the pillboxes or Olomana. I just love seeing the beauty of nature.
4. If you could give 1 million dollars to a charity, which would it be and why?
I'm a little surprised at where my gut instincts took me for this one. I would have thought that an environmental group would have been first on my mind, but instead it was Girl Scouts. I was in Girl Scouts from a first grade Brownie up though a Senior Scout in high school. Yep, 12 years of scouting as a member, and I've been a leader too some since graduating high school. I learned so much in through Girl Scouts that I would honored to give them a million dollars.
When I turned my thoughts to an environmental charity the first two images that popped into my head were a plastic bag and a honu (Hawaiian for sea turtle) so maybe something like Plastic Free Hawaii and the Kokua Hawaii Foundation. That organization that gave me the first reusable bag that would fold up so I could carry it with me and I actually used. They work to educate the community on a number of environmental topics including the dangers of plastic.
5. What is your favorite animal and why?
A cat. My favorite animal has always been a cat. While Maggie and Lexy have definitely have turned me into more of a dog person, I still love Callie. And no, the chickens haven't stolen the top spot either. Besides, they are more livestock for us and less pets.
I hope you've enjoyed getting to know me better and now I'd like to nominate some of the blogs I enjoy reading.
My questions for my nominees are:
1. What was your favorite vacation and why?
2. What motivated you to start blogging?
3. What was your first job?
4. What is your favorite food?
5. What is your guilty pleasure?
A huge thanks again to Skin and Satori for the nomination. Be sure to check out her blog! I can't wait to read the responses from those who were nominated.
Hi Katy! I am so happy you picked me as one of your faves :o) I got the Liebster once before, @ https://notmadeinchinachallenge.com/2015/08/10/because-i-write-i-also-read-blogs-that-is/
ReplyDeleteso instead of blogging it again I will do a "Green blogs I love" post soon, and give you a shout back! (Slow blogging now cos of the baby)
1. My favorite vacation was a road trip my husband and I took in 2014 in Utah, Arizona, New Mexico. We visited several national parks and it was just lovely all around. There are some posts about that trip on my blog from way back!
2. Americas overconsumption hit me in the fact when I moved here, so I decided to "stop" contributing... and then realized I should blog about it since I love writing!
3. Hmm, must be when I was helping in a service team that did chores/errands for elderly people. I was not very good at it (Lazy teen!).
4. Pizza I think. I like to say our diet it vegan + pizza, whatever is on it ;) Oh, and Swedish potato salad from "Rydbergs".
5. Nespresso. That's it for sure.
Thanks! I love learning more about you. :)