May 3, 2015

Waste Less Wednesday Blog Hop 5/3/17

Blog Hop Zero waste plastic free less waste sustainable

A blog party focused on environmentally friendly practices: zero waste, recycling, gardening, homesteading, sustainability, living plastic free and upcycling.  It is live Wednesday at 12:00 am CST through Friday at 11:55 pm CST. 

The Host:

Katy writes at SkipTheBag about her experiences trying to minimize waste, avoiding plastic and homesteading with her garden and chickens. If you love her posts you can follow her here:


Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML

Not sure what a blog hop is? Click here

The Rules:

  • Link up to 3 original blog posts relating to environmentally friendly practices. Posts can be zero waste, living plastic free, sustainability, less waste recipes, homesteading, upcycling or anything else to do with helping out the environment.
  • No links to stores or link parties. Giveaways are OK as long as they are accompanied with a post.
  • Please visit your fellow bloggers: they care about the environment just like you!
  • In addition to featuring the most visited blog, the "most social" person will be featured. It's hard to track, but use the hashtag #WasteLessWednesday when commenting on people's blogs and sharing posts on social media to qualify.
  • Posts will show in a random order.
  • By participating you give permission for any part of your post, including pictures, to be used for party promotion. Don't worry all credit will be given to the original source. You will also be signed up to receive SkipThe Bag's weekly email that goes out Wednesday mornings as a reminder to participate in Waste Less Wednesday. 

Features from Last Week:

Most visited:

Most social:


  1. Hi Katy,
    Thank you so much for featured my article on " Ways to Turn Your Trash Into Cash!"
    and for hosting this great party.
    This week I have shared "How to Have a Pest Free Garden the Organic Way!" & "How to Make Your Roof More Energy Efficient!"
    Have a healthy, happy & blessed week!

  2. Thanks for featuring my Quotes post - I have another similar post in formation!

  3. AnonymousMay 06, 2017

    Oooh! I was Katy's pick! Now I feel special :) Thanks, Katy!
